The Irma Stern Trust Collection


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Artwork title:

Tapestry Fragment: satyr playing flute

Description: Design depicts a seated satyr with goatlike ears and long hair; his horns are coiled down forming a helmet-like headgear; he wears the fashionable 16th century garment of the Spanish-French courts with a round purse on the right side of his belt and the dagger or sword of a nobleman on his left. His tights are covered with moveable armour. In Dr Eckert's opinion the fragment originally formed part of a broad border of a large tapestry in the 'grotesque' style and the satyr itself is probably a caricature of a contemporary personality. The background ornaments show great similarity to a border by Pieter van Aelst, Brussels, 16th century. Flemish tapestry, most probably Brussels. The design and weaving technique are of a very high standard. Handspun and vegetable dyed woollen warp and welf, silk threads in the weft.

Artwork date(s): 2nd half 16th century
Artwork type: European Collection
Medium: wool, silk
Measurements: 640X770
Accession number: 580

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