The Irma Stern Trust Collection


List of Artists / Producers

  1. Netherlands?
  2. Albert Adams
  3. Anatolia or Caucasus
  4. Area Lulua or SW DR Congo, Kananga, Luba
  5. Arnold, Marion
  6. Ashanti, Ghana
  7. Austria or Italy?
  8. Austria, Tyrol
  9. Balinese, Indonesian
  10. Boeotian
  11. Boeotian?
  12. C Congo, Kuba/Bushongo
  13. C Congo, Luba
  14. C DR Congo
  15. C DR Congo, Benalulua
  16. C DR Congo, Kuba
  17. C DR Congo, Kuba/Bushango
  18. C DR Congo, Kuba/Bushongo
  19. C DR Congo, Luba
  20. C DR Congo, Luba?
  21. C DR Congo, Shankadi
  22. C DR Congo, Songe
  23. C DR Congo, Songe and Tetela
  24. C DR Congo/Kuba/Bushongo
  25. C,SE DR Congo, Kuba
  26. Cameroon grasslands
  27. Caucasian
  28. China, Indo-China, Japan?
  29. Chinese
  30. Chinese or Sakai-Japan by Chinese weavers
  31. Chinese provincial, Annam
  32. Chinese provincial.
  33. Chinese T'ang Dynasty
  34. Chinese, Cambodian?
  35. Chinese, Japanese?
  36. Chinese, Lung-Chu"an district
  37. Chinese, Ming prototype
  38. Chinese, N. Wei
  39. Chinese, northern Wei
  40. Chinese, probably Ching-te-chen
  41. Chinese, probably Honan province
  42. Chinese, provincial prototype
  43. Chinese,probably Lung-Chu"an distruct
  44. Chinese?
  45. Doreen Anziska
  46. DR Congo
  47. DR Congo, Kinshasa, Tetela
  48. DR Congo, Kinshasa, Tetela?
  49. DR Congo, Kuba
  50. DR Congo, lower Congo River, Loango
  51. DR Congo, Luba
  52. DR Congo, Luba?
  53. DR Congo, Songe
  54. DR Congo? Unknown
  55. DR Congo?, unknown
  56. Dutch
  57. Dutch?
  58. E Africa or Zambia, unknown
  59. E DR Congo, Bembe
  60. E DR Congo, Lega
  61. E DR Congo, Luba(Hemba & Shankadi influence
  62. Egypt, Coptic
  63. Egypt, Coptic provincial
  64. Egyptian
  65. Egyptian, Greek?
  66. Egyptian, Greek? Probably southern
  67. English
  68. English, neo Tudor, Jacobean
  69. English, neoclassical
  70. Etruscan
  71. European
  72. European influence ?
  73. European, unknown
  74. European, unknown?
  75. Eva Leone Meyerowitz
  76. Far east, european prototype
  77. Flemish
  78. Flemish or German
  79. France
  80. France, Switzerland
  81. French provincial or Dutch
  82. French Romanesque?
  83. Gabon, Fang?
  84. Gabon, Kota, Ogowe River
  85. Gandhara art, Buddhist, N-W frontier province Pakistan
  86. German
  87. German, 18th century design
  88. German, Schleswig-Holstein
  89. Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  90. Greece or Asia Minor
  91. Greek
  92. Greek Island School
  93. Greek mainland
  94. Guatemala, tourist
  95. Hym Rabinowitz
  96. Iberian
  97. imitation Javanese
  98. India
  99. India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia?
  100. India, Punjab
  101. Indian
  102. Indian folk art
  103. Indian?
  104. Indonesian
  105. Indonesian, Java
  106. Indonesian, S. Sumatra
  107. Irma Stern
  108. Italian
  109. Italian, German?
  110. Italian, Greek
  111. Italian, Renaissance style
  112. Italian, Venice
  113. Italian?
  114. Italy
  115. Italy, probably Sicily
  116. Italy, Venice
  117. Ivory Coast, Baule
  118. Ivory Coast, Senufo
  119. Iznik (NW Turkey)
  120. John Dronsfield
  121. Kota, Gabon, Ogowe River
  122. Lehmbruck,Wilhelm (German)
  123. Liane Visser
  124. Lipschitz, Lippy (South African)
  125. Mali, Marka (subtribe of Bambara)
  126. Maud Sumner
  127. Max Karklin
  128. Mediterranean
  129. Middle East, North Africa?
  130. N. African, Middle Eastern?
  131. N. African?
  132. N. Iran, Meshed, Khurasan district
  133. N. Netherlands
  134. N? Ivory Coast, Dan
  135. Namibia, Owambo
  136. Namibia, Owambo?
  137. NE Democratic Rep of Congo, Kinshasa
  138. NE DR Congo, Azande?
  139. Nigeria, City of Benin
  140. Nigeria, Ibo
  141. Nigeria, Yoruba, Ogboni Society
  142. North Russian school
  143. Oaxaca, Zapotec
  144. Ogowe River, Gabon, Lumbo?
  145. Pechstein,Max
  146. Persian
  147. Persian (Ravy)
  148. Persian, Parthian?
  149. Peruvian
  150. possibly southern Sudan, unknown
  151. Pre-classic, Mexico
  152. Pre-Columbian, Chupicuaro
  153. Pre-Columbian, Meso-American
  154. Pre-Columbian, Meso-American; possibly Mayan
  155. Pre-Columbian, Meso-American?
  156. Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero?
  157. Pre-Columbian, W Mexico, Nayarit
  158. probably Etruscan
  159. probably Iberian
  160. probably Italian
  161. probably Roman
  162. Roman
  163. Roman, probably Syria
  164. Russian
  165. S DR Congo, Pende
  166. S Italian, Greek?
  167. S. African, Cape
  168. S. Chinese provincial
  169. S. Chinese, coastal provinces
  170. S. Chinese, Kwantung province
  171. S. Chinese, provincial 1260-1368
  172. S. Chinese, provincial prototype
  173. S. Chinese, provinicial prototype
  174. S. Germany
  175. S. Germany, Austria or Italy
  176. S. Germany, Austria or Switzerland
  177. S. Germany, Austria or Switzerland?
  178. S. India?
  179. S. Indian
  180. S. Indian?
  181. Samarkand ware
  182. Schumann Porzellan Manufaktur
  183. SE C DR Congo, Kuba/Bushongo
  184. SE Central Congo (DR), Kuba
  185. SE, SC DR Congo
  186. Siamese?
  187. south Chinese, probably Ching-te-Chen
  188. south Chinese, probably Fukien province
  189. Spain, Portugal?
  190. Spain, probably Catalonia
  191. Spain?
  192. Spanish
  193. Spanish, probably Manisses, Valencia
  194. Spanish?
  195. Stanley Hermans
  196. SW DR Congo, Luba, western Kasai
  197. SW DR Congo, Yaka
  198. Switzerland
  199. Tibetan
  200. Tunis
  201. Universal, modern
  202. unknown
  203. unknown European
  204. unknown oriental
  205. Unknown, European folk art
  206. upper DR Congo, Mangbetu
  207. upper DR Congo, Mangbetu, East Africa?
  208. Victor Holloway
  209. W Asia, Egypt?
  210. W DR Congo, Nsapo, Songe sub-group
  211. W French Sudan, Bambara
  212. W Priest
  213. W. Iran, Kurdistan
  214. W. Turkestan
  215. West Africa, Fon Dahomey
  216. west Africa, unknown
  217. Zambia, Barotse
  218. Zambia, Lozi
  219. Zambia, Mashona
  220. Zanzibar
  221. Zanzibar?

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