List of Artists / Producers
- Netherlands?
- Albert Adams
- Anatolia or Caucasus
- Area Lulua or SW DR Congo, Kananga, Luba
- Arnold, Marion
- Ashanti, Ghana
- Austria or Italy?
- Austria, Tyrol
- Balinese, Indonesian
- Boeotian
- Boeotian?
- C Congo, Kuba/Bushongo
- C Congo, Luba
- C DR Congo
- C DR Congo, Benalulua
- C DR Congo, Kuba
- C DR Congo, Kuba/Bushango
- C DR Congo, Kuba/Bushongo
- C DR Congo, Luba
- C DR Congo, Luba?
- C DR Congo, Shankadi
- C DR Congo, Songe
- C DR Congo, Songe and Tetela
- C DR Congo/Kuba/Bushongo
- C,SE DR Congo, Kuba
- Cameroon grasslands
- Caucasian
- China, Indo-China, Japan?
- Chinese
- Chinese or Sakai-Japan by Chinese weavers
- Chinese provincial, Annam
- Chinese provincial.
- Chinese T'ang Dynasty
- Chinese, Cambodian?
- Chinese, Japanese?
- Chinese, Lung-Chu"an district
- Chinese, Ming prototype
- Chinese, N. Wei
- Chinese, northern Wei
- Chinese, probably Ching-te-chen
- Chinese, probably Honan province
- Chinese, provincial prototype
- Chinese,probably Lung-Chu"an distruct
- Chinese?
- Doreen Anziska
- DR Congo
- DR Congo, Kinshasa, Tetela
- DR Congo, Kinshasa, Tetela?
- DR Congo, Kuba
- DR Congo, lower Congo River, Loango
- DR Congo, Luba
- DR Congo, Luba?
- DR Congo, Songe
- DR Congo? Unknown
- DR Congo?, unknown
- Dutch
- Dutch?
- E Africa or Zambia, unknown
- E DR Congo, Bembe
- E DR Congo, Lega
- E DR Congo, Luba(Hemba & Shankadi influence
- Egypt, Coptic
- Egypt, Coptic provincial
- Egyptian
- Egyptian, Greek?
- Egyptian, Greek? Probably southern
- English
- English, neo Tudor, Jacobean
- English, neoclassical
- Etruscan
- European
- European influence ?
- European, unknown
- European, unknown?
- Eva Leone Meyerowitz
- Far east, european prototype
- Flemish
- Flemish or German
- France
- France, Switzerland
- French provincial or Dutch
- French Romanesque?
- Gabon, Fang?
- Gabon, Kota, Ogowe River
- Gandhara art, Buddhist, N-W frontier province Pakistan
- German
- German, 18th century design
- German, Schleswig-Holstein
- Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Greece or Asia Minor
- Greek
- Greek Island School
- Greek mainland
- Guatemala, tourist
- Hym Rabinowitz
- Iberian
- imitation Javanese
- India
- India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia?
- India, Punjab
- Indian
- Indian folk art
- Indian?
- Indonesian
- Indonesian, Java
- Indonesian, S. Sumatra
- Irma Stern
- Italian
- Italian, German?
- Italian, Greek
- Italian, Renaissance style
- Italian, Venice
- Italian?
- Italy
- Italy, probably Sicily
- Italy, Venice
- Ivory Coast, Baule
- Ivory Coast, Senufo
- Iznik (NW Turkey)
- John Dronsfield
- Kota, Gabon, Ogowe River
- Lehmbruck,Wilhelm (German)
- Liane Visser
- Lipschitz, Lippy (South African)
- Mali, Marka (subtribe of Bambara)
- Maud Sumner
- Max Karklin
- Mediterranean
- Middle East, North Africa?
- N. African, Middle Eastern?
- N. African?
- N. Iran, Meshed, Khurasan district
- N. Netherlands
- N? Ivory Coast, Dan
- Namibia, Owambo
- Namibia, Owambo?
- NE Democratic Rep of Congo, Kinshasa
- NE DR Congo, Azande?
- Nigeria, City of Benin
- Nigeria, Ibo
- Nigeria, Yoruba, Ogboni Society
- North Russian school
- Oaxaca, Zapotec
- Ogowe River, Gabon, Lumbo?
- Pechstein,Max
- Persian
- Persian (Ravy)
- Persian, Parthian?
- Peruvian
- possibly southern Sudan, unknown
- Pre-classic, Mexico
- Pre-Columbian, Chupicuaro
- Pre-Columbian, Meso-American
- Pre-Columbian, Meso-American; possibly Mayan
- Pre-Columbian, Meso-American?
- Pre-Columbian, Mexico, Guerrero?
- Pre-Columbian, W Mexico, Nayarit
- probably Etruscan
- probably Iberian
- probably Italian
- probably Roman
- Roman
- Roman, probably Syria
- Russian
- S DR Congo, Pende
- S Italian, Greek?
- S. African, Cape
- S. Chinese provincial
- S. Chinese, coastal provinces
- S. Chinese, Kwantung province
- S. Chinese, provincial 1260-1368
- S. Chinese, provincial prototype
- S. Chinese, provinicial prototype
- S. Germany
- S. Germany, Austria or Italy
- S. Germany, Austria or Switzerland
- S. Germany, Austria or Switzerland?
- S. India?
- S. Indian
- S. Indian?
- Samarkand ware
- Schumann Porzellan Manufaktur
- SE C DR Congo, Kuba/Bushongo
- SE Central Congo (DR), Kuba
- SE, SC DR Congo
- Siamese?
- south Chinese, probably Ching-te-Chen
- south Chinese, probably Fukien province
- Spain, Portugal?
- Spain, probably Catalonia
- Spain?
- Spanish
- Spanish, probably Manisses, Valencia
- Spanish?
- Stanley Hermans
- SW DR Congo, Luba, western Kasai
- SW DR Congo, Yaka
- Switzerland
- Tibetan
- Tunis
- Universal, modern
- unknown
- unknown European
- unknown oriental
- Unknown, European folk art
- upper DR Congo, Mangbetu
- upper DR Congo, Mangbetu, East Africa?
- Victor Holloway
- W Asia, Egypt?
- W DR Congo, Nsapo, Songe sub-group
- W French Sudan, Bambara
- W Priest
- W. Iran, Kurdistan
- W. Turkestan
- West Africa, Fon Dahomey
- west Africa, unknown
- Zambia, Barotse
- Zambia, Lozi
- Zambia, Mashona
- Zanzibar
- Zanzibar?